Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cooling out a horse


                 Cooling down a horse? What???

imgres.jpgAfter working your horse he will need to be cooled out. Meaning that he needs to walk until it's respiration and pulse return to normal. Here are some basic rules for different temperatures. 

After a work out in the summer, I let my horse walk out on long rein. Then I get off and loosen her girth, Instead of taking the saddle off. This lets the pressure release slowly from under the saddle. I then turn on a fan and walk her around in front of it until I see that she is not puffing any more and her chest is cool. I then untack, clean her hooves and rinse her off will cool water, starting at the hooves. Making sure I wipe off the excess water of her coat. If it is extremely hot I set out a bucket of cool water and walk in a circle, each time I pass the bucket she can take only a small sip. This way she won't gulp down too much cold water, that can make her sick.

After a work out in winter, I let her walk out in long rein. Then I get off and loosen her girth. I through a sheet over her, like a cooler (not a turnout sheet). It needs to be able to breath and soak up some of the sweat so that the horse gets cooled out, without getting child. I walk her around until her chest is cool and she is not puffing. Then I leave the blanket on and just move it to one end or the other while untacking, so she doesn't get chilled. I also do the same thing while I am grooming. When she has absolutely no sweat on her, I put her turnout sheet or blanket on. I also walk her in a circle and each time I pass a bucket, she can take a small sip of warm water (not hot, not cold), You don't want to shock their system with extremely cold water.

I hope this helps. And don't forget to reward your horse with a nice carrot or cookie:)

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